th0150 high-凯发k8国际

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homeelectrical measurementdc instruments

th0150 high-precision voltage divider


将各种量程电压变换成 1 v 量程电压
含有 9 只不同量程的精密分压器 (可定制 )
工作频率: dc  100 khz


model th0150, a series of high-precision ac and dc voltage dividers, convert various ranges voltage to 1 v range voltage with maintaining accurate ratio and small phase displacement. a set of instrument contains 9 high-precision voltage dividers with different ranges (customized for particular requirements).

frequency range is from dc to 100 khz, the maximum ac-dc difference is better than ±10 ppm at power frequency, and the maximum phase displacement is less than 5 μrad.

combine with the model th0600 precision unity gain buffers at high frequency for optimum measurement performance.

combine with voltage vector analyzers or digital sampler to build high-precision vector voltmeters, achieve accurate measurement of amplitude and phase for broadband voltage, and also applied to calibrate broadband power supplies, transformers, sensors and power analyzers.

electrical specifications



 notes:connection. type-n (f) for input, type-n (m) for output.

phase displacementl 


general specifications

 operating environment: +15 °c to +30 °c, r·h ≤50 %, altitude from 0m to 3,000 m.3. general specifications

 storage environment: +5 °c to +45 °c, r·h from 15 % to 80 %.

 notes: when stored in a harsh environments, it may cause the resistance to change and return to the original resistance within the next 30 days.

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