magnetics -凯发k8国际
electrical measurement
electrical standards
th0150 high-precision voltage divider
th0151 high-precision active voltage divider
th0170 high-precision hvdc divider
th0200 dc current ratio standard
th0310 high-power reference resistor
th0350 calibrator for dc bridges
th0360 high-precision calibrator for dc resistance meters
th0370 dc characteristics analyzer for precision resistors
th0400 precision coaxial shunt
th0450 current transformer analyzer
th0550 precision ac i/v converter
th0600 precision unity gain buffer
th1700 thermometer
th2030 ultra-precise phase meter
th2100 single-phase broadband power analyzer
standard meters
td1300 high-precision dc reference meter
td1350 high-precision reference ammeter
td1360 precision i/v converter
td1365 precision i/v converter
td3100 single-phase reference multimeter
td3110 single-phase reference multimeter
td3300 three-phase reference multimeter
td3310 three-phase reference multimeter
td3810 field detector for three-phase power devices
electrical calibrators
td1600 precision ac calibrator
td1650 broadband precision ac calibrator
td1850 multi-product calibrator
td1855 multi-product calibrator
td1860 multi-product calibrator
td1870 multi-product calibrator
td1880 high-precision multi-product calibrator
dc instruments
td1400 loop resistance tester
td1500 high-precision dc calibrator
td1503 dc current standard
td1505 high-precision dc standard
td1510 high-precision dc calibrator
td1540 calibration device for dc shunts
td2100 verification apparatus of dc shunts
td2010 dc high-current standard
clamp ammeters calibrators
td1000 calibration device for clamp ammeters
td1050 calibration device for clamp ammeters
td1050a calibration device for clamp ammeters
td1090 precision bushing-type ac i/v converter
td1092 precision bushing-type ac ammeter
td1095 precision bushing-type ammeter
electrical safety calibrators
td1200 calibrator for leakage current testers
td1220 calibrator for high voltage and value dc resistors
td1230 calibrator for withstanding voltage testers
td1240 loading box for withstanding voltage testers
td1250 calibrator for earth-continuity testers
td1450 calibrator for loop resistance testers
td1455 equivalent resistance standard
td1470 calibrator for single and double bridges
high pressure standards
td2400 ac high voltage source
td2500 dc high voltage source
td2550 calibration device for contactless electrostatic voltmeters
td2600 high-precision dc high voltmeter
td2650 high-precision high voltmeter
three-phase ac&dc calibrators
td4100 calibrator for three-phase apparatuses
td4200 calibration device for three-phase apparatuses
td4500 calibrator for ac sampling and transmitters
td4507 field calibrator for ac sampling and transmitters
td4510 calibrator for three-phase apparatuses
td4520 calibrator for three-phase apparatuses
td4530 calibrator for three-phase apparatuses
transformer testing
td6200 tester for current transformer
td6300 tester for electronic instrument transformers
ac energy calibrators
td3500 verification apparatus of single-phase meter
td3550 verification apparatus of single-phase meter (meeting oiml r46 requirement of new type meter)
td3600 verification apparatus of three-phase meters
td3650 verification apparatus of three-phase meters (meeting oiml r46 requirement of new type meter)
td3250 field tester of meters for three phase energy
td4550 portable calibrating apparatus for three-phase meters
td3700-1 ac magnetic field apparatus of meters for electrical energy
td3700-2 ac magnetic field apparatus of meters for electrical energy
td3610 verification apparatus of three-phase reference meters
td8655 ac and dc teslameter
td2700 multifunctional clock calibrator
dc energy calibrators
td1545 verification apparatus of meters for dc electrical energy
td1550 verification apparatus of meters for dc electrical energy
td1560 automatic verification apparatus of meters for dc electrical energy
td1570 verification apparatus of indirect connected meters for dc electrical energy
td1575 verification apparatus of meters for dc electrical energy
td1580 integrated detection apparatus of meters for dc electrical energy
td1548 detection apparatus of reference meters for dc electrical energy
charging facility testing
td1320 field tester of dc charger for electric vehicles
td1330 field tester of ac charging spot for electric vehicle
td2300 high-power adjustable dc resistive load
td2310 high-power adjustable ac resistive load
td2320 dc charging socket-terminal adapter
td2321 ac charging socket-terminal adapter
td2325 dc charging power calibration adapter
td2326 ac charging power calibration adapter
calibration for electric power meters
td1100 calibrator for voltage monitor
td1150 tester for transformer winding thermometers
td1160 tester for zinc oxide surge arrester
td1170 calibrator for zinc oxide surge arrester testers
td4600 integrated automation testing system for electric power
td4800 calibrator for electronic instrument transformers
td4900 tester for merging units
td6600 calibrator for relaying protection testers
td6610 electronic load
process calibrators
td7500 calibrator for process signals
td7600 test system for process signals
td1340 calibrator for electrical parameters of electric welders
td2800 loading box for testing electric welders
medical calibrators
td7200 calibrator for electrosurgical analyzers
td7300 defibrillation pulse energy standard
magnetic measurement
magnetic parameter metrology series
td8760a standard electromagnet
tm7970 mutual induction calibrator for fluxmeter
td8850 calibration apparatus for tesla meter
td8760b standard electromagnet
td8770 standard helmholtz coil
td8860 calibration apparatus for precision magnetometer
tm2800 magnetic shielding cavity
tm2900 magnetic shielding barrel
tm6140b precision magnetometer
tm7600 digital integral fluxmeter
tm7610 digital integral fluxmeter
tm7620 digital integral fluxmeter
tm7910 high precision v-s generator
tm7920 high precision v-s generator
tm7930 high precision v-s generator
magnetic instrument metrology series
th2100 wideband power analyzer
th2200 calibrator for electrical steel magnetic properties measurement apparauts
th2310 standard epstein frame
th2320 if standard epstein frame
tk8400 connection adapter for electrical steel magnetometer
tk8410 adapter for calibration of electrical steel magnetometer
magnetic parameter measurement series
td8650 tesla meter
td8655 ac&dc tesla meter
td8900 fluxmeter
tm4100b single-axis fluxgate magnetometer
tm4300b three-axis fluxgate magnetometer
tm4815b precision single-axis fluxgate magnetometer
tm4835b precision three-axis fluxgate magnetometer
tm5100 hand-held tesla meter
tm5100a hand-held alternating magnetometer
tm5120b hand-held tesla meter
tm5340b handheld three-axis tesla meter
tm6100 tesla meter
tm6100b tesla meter
tm6160b ac&dc tesla meter
tm7100 capacitance integral fluxmeter
tm7500 capacitance integral fluxmeter
tm7510 capacitance integral fluxmeter
soft magnetic meterial measurement series
td81 series testing system for ac magnetic of soft materials
td8160 measurement system for magnetic parameters of monolithic amorphous
td8210 dc magnetic properties testing system for soft magnetic material
td8220 dc magnetic properties testing system for soft magnetic material
tk8600 magnetic properties testing system for metal magnetic powder core
permanent magnetic meterial measurement series
td8310 testing system for permanent magnetic materials
td8320 / td8330 testing system for permanent magnetic materials
surface magnetic field testing series
td8411 surface magnetic field testing system of rotating platform
td8415 surface magnetic field automatic testing system
td8420 surface magnetic field testing system for flat
td8440 surface magnetic field multi-probes testing system
electrical steel testing series
tk7250 fast tester for magnetic properties of silicon steel sheets
tk7210 fast tester for magnetic properties of silicon steel sheets
td9600 testing system for magnetostriction characteristics of electrical steel sheet
td9900 automatic testing system for magnetic properties of electrical steel sheets
td9950 automatic testing system for magnetic properties of electrical steel sheets
tk7200 fast tester for iron loss of silicon steel sheets
td8510 testing system for magnetiec properties of silicon steel sheets
td8515 testing apparatus for magnetic properties of electrical steel sheets
td8520 testing apparatus for broadband magnetic properties of electrical steel sheets
td8525 testing apparatus for broadband magnetic properties of electrical steel sheets
td8530 testing apparatus for ac&dc magnetic properties of electrical steel sheets
td8535 testing apparatus for ac&dc magnetic properties of electrical steel sheets
td8540 testing apparatus for dc magnetic properties of electrical steel sheets
td8545 comprehensive testing apparatus for magnetic properties of electrical steel sheets
td8550 comprehensive testing apparatus for magnetic properties of electrical steel sheets
td8560 testing system for surface insulation resistance of electrical steel sheets
td8561 comprehensive testing system for surface insulation resistance of electrical steel sheets
td8568 bending test system of electrical steel sheets
td8570 testing apparatus for dc magnetic properties of yoke steel sheets
td9100 online testing system for magnetic properties of silicon strip
td9200 testing system for magnetic properties of motor stator
td9250 testing system for magnetic properties of motor stators
td9300 testing system for magnetic properties of transformer cores
parts testing series
tk5000 magnetic moment coil
tk5100 magnetic moment tester
tk5120 precision magnetic moment tester
tk5300 magnetic declination tester
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