td9300 testing system for magnetic properties of transformer cores -凯发k8国际

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homemagnetic measurementelectrical steel testing series

td9300 testing system for magnetic properties of transformer cores

- td9300 is used for measuring magnetic properties of transformer cores at 50 hz / 60 hz (400hz and 1khz can be customized).

- it is suitable for the rapid and comprehensive analysis of iron core semi-finished products by motor or transformer manufacturers.


- fast wiring with fully automated test fixtures.
- magnetic parameters testing: hm, bm, ps, ss, ff, p, etc.
- magnetic characteristic curve drawing: hysteresis loop, ps-hm, ps-bm, hm-bm curve, etc.
- fast measurement and high accuracy.
- automatic demagnetization with good effect and repeatability.
- equipped with professional measurement software to complete the whole test process automatically by program: magnetization, measurement, data measurement, drawing curve, etc.
- excitation source and measuring device adopt modular design.

technical specifications

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